Friday, November 2, 2007

First Sign!

It was too hot for Hollis' Monkey Costume in the parade

Happy Birthday, Hollis! I can't believe nine months has passed so quickly. I am so proud of your discoveries!

For all of you readers out there: Hollis turned nine months on Halloween. He had a great day full of fun and play and the evening ended with a walk in the neighborhood Halloween parade and a trip to a friends house. Our friend was doing a documentary/photo op of trick-or-treaters and we got a great family picture taken that I hope to have soon to post.
H and one of his little neighborhood friends. They kept petting each other.

Mom and Hollis. Can you guess what mom is!?

Tonight while I was running (still training for that dang 1/2 marathon) Hollis showed off his new sign "milk" to Chris after dinner. I guess he wanted desert! Life couldn't be any better!


1 comment:

Addie said...

Awesome, Hollis! Communication is a key to life, little buddy. You are well on your way to a long, happy life of telling people what's on your mind :P! Come teach Julian and thing or two about signing...