Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Blog Blog Blog

Blah, blah, blah! In order to blog one must be organized and proactive--which I am not. We will try to update how our trip finished out in Seattle, but first wanted give a shout out to let all of H's fans know he is doing well and is starting to cut his 8th tooth. Yes! 8th tooth! He is not even 8 months and has had a roller coaster ride of cut, cut, cut, and cut. He has taken it all in stride. I, however, have had a harder time dealing with his incessant whinny voice and thought I was going to have a break down last week listening to him and chasing him around the house. All is well now, I guess we all have our moments.

We have also hired a nanny for three days a week which seems to be working out fine. She got him to take two naps on her first day in 5 minutes flat! Just like Grandmother! Another plus with the nanny is she is fluent in French and has an English degree which mean he will be speaking better than his dad and I :).

Hollis is very active and you pretty much have to run non-stop to keep him from attacking poor Boudreaux. We are of the mind-set to proof the house as well as we can so we don't have to constantly be deterring him from objects and telling him 'no'. So far this is working out well, however, it constantly reminds me how much I need to clean our bathroom! Another new feat for the little guy is that he is pulling up on EVERYTHING and getting quite a few bumps and bruises to show his determination. A lot of babble in a few paragraphs but I think I covered all of the milestones with the exception that he is getting real close to saying dada or mama in context. Still signing and hope to see him respond quite soon.

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